Rates & Insurance

  • The therapist rates range between $130-$235, depending upon which therapist you meet with. The initial intake (first) session will be an additional $20. Rates for each therapist can be found on the bottom of their bio pages.

  • Individual session - $75

    Couples/family session - $100

    Initial intake (first) session - additional $20 added to cost of session

    **Interns are able to see clients on a sliding scale. Please ask about a lower rate if needed.

  • All sessions - $100

    Initial intake (first) session - $120

  • Cash, personal checks, credit, or debit cards are accepted for payment.

  • A limited number of reduced fee slots are available, based on income. Please ask for an application if you think you may qualify.

  • We are not in-network with any insurance companies. Our fully licensed therapists will gladly provide a superbill that you may submit toward out-of-network benefits. Insurance companies do not reimburse for life coaches and very rarely reimburse for Associate Professional Counselors. If you request a superbill to submit to your insurance, we do have to charge you the full rate of your therapist. It is considered insurance fraud if we do not.

    We recommend that you call your insurance company and ask some of the following questions:

    Do I have mental health benefits?

    What deductible do I have to meet for out-of-network providers?

    What percentage of each session do you cover once my deductible is reached?

    Do I have a limited number of sessions?

    Insurance companies do require your therapist to provide a diagnosis which will go on your permanent medical record. You always have the right to choose to pay for services yourself and avoid the intricacies of working with insurance companies.

  • You will be required to pay the full cost of the session if you do not show up for your scheduled appointment and you have not notified us at least 48 hours in advance.